Introducing our new oil from Tuscany !
This is really going to spark your interest…
We’re talking here the gorgeously rolling hills of Tuscany where the beautiful Fattoria
di Maiano estate with origins back to the 15th century enjoys a most magnificent
location amid the hills of Fiesole just a mere 5km from the historic centre of Florence.
A completely organic agricultural estate, Fattoria di Maiano covers an area of nearly
300 hectares mainly used for growing olives (20,000 olive trees on 110 hectares).
Frantoio and Moraiolo olives, are picked entirely by hand in the months of November
and December, then pressed in the estate mill. The premium product is Laudemio,
an excellent extra virgin oil with a high nutritional value.
Laudemio was born in the 1980’s, when a group of farmers formed a pact for
production excellence, well in advance of national and European legislation. An
agreement, now as then, based on strict rules and strict quality control.
History, tradition, authenticity, respect for the territory and the environment are the
principles that guide the entire production process of Laudemio. Special control
bodies and two very strict tasting commissions make the final selection: allowing only
the very best extra virgin olive oil, a perfectly genuine, intact oil with an extraordinary
organoleptic personality, to be able to boast the Laudemio brand!
This strong, bold organic oil is naturally rich in polyphenols and fragrantly aromatic. It
is limpid and clear, brilliantly green in colour, has the scent of freshly mown grass,
green tomato and almond and an intense and typically spicy flavour.
It’s delicious!
It’s got history and tradition in bucket loads too!
In the Middle Ages, laudemio was the term given to the very best or the “flower” of
the olive oil harvest and destined to take pride of place on the local Lord’s table
whilst our very own Queen Victoria herself inaugurated the romantic Regina Park – a
central part of the Fattoria di Maiano estate- way back in April 1893!
We just can’t get enough of it and think you’re going to love it too!
And just in case you want to know more, here’s a link for you to enjoy…
Get yours Now !